The CD's/DVD's of free/Open Source Software (FOSS) are given from PLUG for promotion of FOSS. PLUG does not sell these software or is an official distributor/representative of any of the software mentioned below.

PLUG would request individuals/organizations to Buy the free software from the official distributors as far as possible.

How to get the CD(s)/DVD(s) If I am in Pune?
You can contact PLUG members on the PLUG mailing list and request for the same. Generally PLUG's monthly meeting is the best place to exchange CD/DVD's

How do I get CD(s)/DVD(s) If I am in out of Pune?
Same as above, you can try posting on the PLUG mailing list, we have lots of people subscribed to the mailing list in and out of Pune, we are sure you would definitely find someone who nearby you location.
Still if you are unable to get the same you can contact us on the

Distros available:
Generally most of the latest and commonly used distros are available, any thing special can be requested on the PLUG mailing list.

Commonly available distros:
Debain, OpenSUSE, Slackware, Fedora, Centos etc.